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Key questions from the BMA pension roadshows

Lots of questions were posed at the BMA roadshows last week. Pulse put them to the BMA who  provided us with answers. Below are the key Qs and As to help you decide how you're going to vote in the ballot.


Why was this form of industrial action chosen?

It was designed to have an impact while assuring patient safety.

Why is strike action not craft-specific? 
This is action by the whole profession. The key principles of urgent and emergency care apply to action by all the branches of practice.

What are the BMA's aims?

Industrial action was a last resort; however, with the Government refusing to consider any amendments to their ‘final offer', a ballot was our only option.

Why is there a question about strike action?

We have ruled out a full withdrawal of labour; however, to maximise legal protection we have this question on the ballot paper.

Can I vote for industrial action in the ballot, but not actually take any action on the day?

Why are other health unions not involved?

We would always look to take united action if we could, and we are in close contact with the other health unions. 

Has the BMA looked at the potential effects on public opinion over this?

We are providing additional briefings to the media, and working hard to rebut some of the Government's spin. However, we do need to be realistic about the degree of public support we can expect.

What turnout is necessary for a worthwhile mandate?

No magic number.  BMA Council will consider the ballot results, including the turn-out, before making a decision on the next steps.

Will there be any further days of industrial action after this?

We'll consider impact before making a decision about any possible future action.

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