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Red (tape) alert

We are now officially on the highest alert for coronavirus (although we have been since January, in reality). As the newspaper headlines scream, hospitals are having to save beds in preparation, there will be far more Skype calls and will be ‘Covid-19 Incident Coordination Centres’.

It’s good to see that the Government is taking this seriously. But there is a red line in emergency preparedness – CQC inspections will continue. Phew.

There is no reason CQC visits should continue when all health authorities should come together

True, practices have had to close and undergo deep cleans, and healthcare workers are at far greater risk of developing the virus. But can you imagine the chaos caused if HR certificates were slightly out of date?

Realistically, there is absolutely no reason CQC visits, appraisals and – as I said last week – online bookings should continue when all health authorities should come together to mitigate the effects of the virus.

And you never know – maybe once we have tried life without these assorted bits of red tape, we might realise they are not that essential in the long term.

Jaimie Kaffash is editor of Pulse. Follow him on Twitter @jkaffash or email him at [email protected]

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