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GP’s petition to drop health bill nearing 60,000 signatures

The GP behind a petition to have the health bill scrapped has urged the BMA and RCGP to encourage their members to sign it.

Support for Dr Kailash Chand's e-petiton is growing fast with almost 60,000 signatures since it was launched in November. It needs 100,000 to force a debate in Parliament.

Both the BMA and RCGP have publicly stated their opposition to the NHS reforms and Dr Chand, a GP and chair of NHS Tameside and Glossop, said they should show their support by publicly backing the petition.

"The momentum is so huge,' he said. ‘People have started to understand what this bill is going to do to the NHS. I´d appeal to bodies like the RCGP that oppose the reforms to follow suit. They should send a mail shot to all their members.'

The petition has already attracted celebrity support, with TV presenter Stephen Fry  and England and Manchester United football Rio Ferdinand among those to sign 

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