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Local records would be a better bet

Dr Simon Collins says he believes the Summary Care Record is saving lives, in your story about Adastra's survey suggesting it has benefits.

(Out-of-hours GPs say care record is saving lives)

It is indeed important that data is shared between health professionals, but this could be done locally with local accountability. The problems with the care record remain cost, confidentiality, data security and the consent model. Dr Collins says he is at a loss as to why the independent report from Professor Trisha Greenhalgh was scathing about the care record.

Well, in a previous report, Professor Greenhalgh found that fewer than a third of patients were aware a care record had been created for them. Patients need to know what is happening to their personal information and need to give informed consent, which is explicit not implied.

If that makes me a Luddite, Dr Collins, so be it. I would prefer to go down fighting for something I believe in than remaining silent on such an important issue.

From Dr Chris Woods
Bolton, Lancashire