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New dementia campaign for Christmas, cervical cancer rates rise among women under 40, and the UK’s weirdest A&E cases

Families have been urged to look out for dementia warning signs this Christmas, according to BBC News.

Experts believe the festive period is a time when many people realise family members may have a memory problem.

They are now being warned to act on it and seek help by the Department of Health, which is launching a TV and national press campaign on the issue. GPs will be the first port of call for relatives who suspect a person is suffering dementia symptoms including memory loss, confusion and anxiety.

But Dr Clare Gerada, RCGP chair, has warned cuts to dementia support services make it hard to promise families the best care.

She told the BBC: ‘GPs need to have access to a wide range of resources, such as memory clinics, so they can support people beyond diagnosis, and help them live healthy independent and productive lives for as long as possible.'

‘We have to make sure we're not simply extending the time someone lives with a dementia diagnosis, without giving them the support they need.'

The proportion of women in their 20s diagnosed with cervical cancer in England has risen significantly since the early 1990s, the Guardian reported on Saturday.

Research released in advanced of the national Cancer Research institute conference found that the incidence of the disease has risen by more than 40% among women in their 20s in the last two decades, although the number of cases is still low.

But in older women, in whom the disease is more common, it has declined, leading to an overall fall in the cancer of 30%.

Experts are encouraged by take-up of the HPV vaccination amongst 12 and 13 year-old girls, but recommended that public health education about the disease could be better.

The Guardian's coverage also challenged the link that female promiscuity was to blame – although the Independent is less coy about what it calls ‘changing sexual habits'. One of the main reasons parents cite for not allowing their daughter to have the vaccine is the assumption that a woman has to be promiscuous to be at risk.

Finally, the Daily Mail has a run-down of the most bizarre cases presented at A&E.

As part of the Choose Well campaign to help people avoid unnecessary hospital visits, the paper reports such ‘emergencies' as  the ‘woman who couldn't remove her false nails and another who had paint stuck in her hair'. Click through for more examples.

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