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Why ‘no carbs before marbs’ could increase your risk of heart disease and one journalist who is not looking forward to old age

Research suggesting women who regularly eat a low carbohydrate, high protein Atkins-style diet are at greater risk of heart disease and stroke features in several of this morning's papers.

The Mirror says researchers found an extra four to five cases of cardiovascular disease per 10,000 women per year for those on low carbohydrate, high protein diets.

The figure represents a 28% increase in the number of cases which is worrying when it is mainly younger women going on the diets, the paper says. Research published in the online journal involved a study on just under 44,000 Swedish women aged between 30 and 49 years from 1991-92 with with an average follow-up of 15 years. Results showed that 1270 cardiovascular incidents took place in the 43,396 women.

The stricter the women kept to the low carb high protein diet the more cardiovascular diseases increased, according to the Mirror.

New NICE guidelines calling for hospitals to test for venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism more quickly are widely reported.

NICE wants all hospitals to offer blood tests and an ultrasound scan within 24 hours of a patient reporting symptoms, and would like to see the tests carried out within four hours where possible. Hospitals are also being urged to test everyone over 40 who gets a clot in the leg or lungs to see if they have cancer.

The Independent says blood clots in the legs or lungs affected more than 56,000 people in England last year with hospital patients being particularly susceptible because they are in bed for long periods.

The Independent also reports that the swine flu pandemic of 2009 was responsible for the deaths of thousands more people than originally thought.

The paper says a study conducted for The Lancet Infectious Diseases journal identified 284,500 victims around the world - more than 15 times the number of deaths confirmed by the World Health Organisation three years ago.

The first confirmed case came in Mexico in March 2009, and the first UK case was discovered in April 2009. During the pandemic, a reported 474 people died in the UK, the Independent says.

Finally, the Daily Telegraph leads on the story that veteran foreign correspondent John Simpson is "stockpiling suicide pills".

The BBC journalist has said he would rather commit suicide than have his son see him become a "gibbering wreck" in old age.

Appearing on BBC1's forthcoming show When I Get Older, he said: "I've made no secret of the fact that I would rather just sort of take a pill and end things rather than live in misery and be a nuisance to people."

The Telegraph says Mr Simpson does not see why politicians should prevent him from taking his own life.

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