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CCGs set for new cancer diagnosis targets

CCGs will be measured on the time taken to refer patients for testing of ovarian and colorectal cancers, under 28 new outcomes indicators proposed by NICE.

The indicators for 2015/16 – put out for consultation by NICE this week – include measuring CCGs on the time between patients receiving and elevated CA125 result and receiving or being referred for ‘timely ultrasounds’ for diagnosis.

They also include tracking the proportion of patients referred for colonoscopies at an early stage and the proportion who receive contrast enhanced CT scans, and treatment related mortality.

Other indicators include measuring the number of children who receive all nine NICE-sanctioned care processes for diabetes – including HbA1c, cholesterol, blood pressure and foot checks – which is similar indicator to one proposed for QOF in 2015/16.

Professor Gillian Leng, health and social care director at NICE, said: ‘[The consultation] provides the opportunity for anyone with an interest to contribute to the development of indicators for the 2015/16 clinical commissioning outcomes indicator set. We invite individuals and stakeholders to take part and help shape the future of this important work.’

The consultation will run until 5pm on 3 March, recommended indicators will then be sent to NHS England who will decide the final indicator set in autumn 2014.

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