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New diabetes management DES under discussion

The Welsh Government and GPC are in talks over a new diabetes DES, which would focus on the management of the disease.

The talks come as the Welsh Government set out a diabetes delivery plan which it said would impact on the GP contract.

It said this would include setting out ‘the future approach to how primary and specialist care is fully integrated, with clearly set out responsibilities and support, which is appropriate to each health board’s population’.

The plan said: ‘This will impact on cluster action plans, practice development plans and the GP contract.’

The Welsh Government also plans to ‘integrate electronic information across specialist, primary, community and emergency care for better patient management’ and set up a new project targeted at deprived areas to reduce future risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, the document added.

Deputy GPC Wales chair Dr David Bailey said that while the Government’s strategy was ‘currently high-level, public health-based’, the GPC and Welsh Government ‘are in discussion over developing a diabetic DES for 2017/18’.

He added that although ‘nothing is finalised as yet’, the DES would focus on ‘management’ of diabetes, rather than prevention.

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