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Dr Steve Kell resigns as NHS Clinical Commissioners co-chair

Dr Steve Kell has resigned from his role as co-chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners to focus on his GP partnership in Bassetlaw.

The resignation comes as Dr Kell stepped down from the governing body of NHS Bassetlaw CCG, where he was the clinical chair since the group’s launch in 2012.

NHSCC said all of its board members must also be on the governing body of their own CCGs, therefore if a board member resigns their position on their CCG governing body then they are no long eligible for a seat on the NHSCC board

Dr Kell, who was listed in the Pulse Power 50 list of influential GPs last year, said it had been ‘a huge privilege’ to co-chair NHSCC with Dr Amanda Doyle while the CCG representative group has ’been at the forefront of the co-commissioning primary care agenda’.

He said: ’I am stepping down from my CCG position to increase my role as a GP and to work with my colleagues to continue to deliver innovative high quality care. With the CCG well placed to enter a new planning round and planned staffing changes at my practice this is the right time to support a successful transition to new clinical leadership locally.’

Dr Doyle said: ’It has been a real pleasure to work with Steve as co-chairs of NHSCC and he has made a huge contribution to supporting and being a positive voice for CCGs.

’I know I speak for all of us on the NHSCC board when I say his valuable input and experience will be sorely missed, as well as his drive and enthusiasm, but we all wish him well as he moves to focus on developing a strong general practice and primary care service in Bassetlaw.’

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