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Interesting times: find out how PBC will work in the post-election environment

Registration for this year's National Association of Primary Care annual conference has officially opened and it promises to be one of the most interesting conferences to date.

The financial challenge and a new Government throws up a whole new context for commissioners.

Titled ‘A different decade: the coming of age for primary care', the event will decipher what the changes mean for those at the commissioning coalface and give an up-to-date analysis of new policy directions.

Practical Commissioning has been involved in the programme development.

We are delighted to welcome NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson and World-Class Commissioning architect Mark Britnell onto our list of keynote speakers.

Over the two days the conference will have more than 20 sessions divided into three streams – commissioning, practice business and ‘thinking big', which will look at the

major issues the NHS needs to tackle. This means that delegates will be able to tailor a conference to suit their individual needs.

For more information and to take advantage of the ‘early bird' booking rate go to