LMC leaders have called for an ‘urgent review’ of the morale of GPs in Wales and better occupational health support for the profession.
The motion has been put forward for consideration at the Welsh LMC’s conference later this month, and echoes Pulse’s Battling Burnout campaign that is also calling for better support for GPs.
The motion from North Wales LMC asks: ‘That [the] conference demands that workforce morale amongst GPs is urgently reviewed and solutions debated and acted upon.’
The conference agenda for the meeting on the 15 February also lists a number of other motions that LMC leaders will vote on addressing the current ‘crisis’ in GP recruitment and retention.
They call for the Welsh Government to recognise and address the looming workforce crisis faced by under-resourced and ‘overburdened’ primary care, which is ‘too full’ to respond to patient needs.
A motion from Gwent LMC ‘deplores’ primary care’s dwindling proportion of the budget at a time when GPs are increasingly being asked to provide care outside of hospitals and calls upon the Welsh Government to fund four-year vocational training for GPs trainees.
Other issues to be addressed include QOF, vaccinations and calls for a united health service in Wales.