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22-23 May: Local Medical Committee conference 2012

The 2012 LMC conference will be held on 22 and 23 May at the BT Convention Centre, Kings Dock, Liverpool. As was the case this year, on the first day the conference will start at 9.30am and finish at 5.30pm. LMCs may wish to bear this in mind when arranging transport and accommodation.

A timetable for the submission of motions is attached (appendix 1). LMCs are asked to arrange their meetings with this timetable in mind. We advise taking care not to arrange these meetings within one week of the date of dispatch of the agendas, to allow for any unforeseen postage difficulties.

LMC conference representatives and observers
The Agenda Committee has allocated the 365 seats for representatives according to Standing Orders 4 and 5, and the number of representatives to be appointed to attend the 2012 LMC conference by each LMC is listed in appendix 2. There was a significant increase in overall numbers of GPs represented this year (over 3,000), which may be because some LMCs who had not previously included salaried GPs and Locums in their numbers, have done so this year. This would explain why some LMCs have lost seats without substantial changes in their own GP numbers. If you have any queries concerning the allocation process, please contact Katy Hennessey.

Representatives shall be registered medical practitioners appointed at the absolute discretion of the appropriate LMC. Representatives appointed to act at the annual conference continue to hold office from 15 January for 12 months, unless the GPC is notified by the relevant LMC of any change. LMCs may appoint a deputy for any of their representatives who are unable to attend.

LMC secretaries are asked to send in the names and addresses of appointed representatives on the attached form (appendix 3) as soon as possible and no later than 6 January 2012. If you wish to attend the annual representative meeting (ARM) it is important that you indicate whether you are a BMA member and include your BMA membership number on the application form. This year, for statistical purposes ONLY, we are also asking representatives to indicate their age and contractual status on the forms.

Secretaries of LMCs who are not members of the conference, and any other individuals the LMC chooses to nominate, may attend the conference as observers, subject to approval from the chairman. However, please note that no part of their expenses will be reimbursed. Any secretary or other individual wishing to attend the conference in this capacity should complete the appropriate section on the form (appendix 3).

Annual Representative Meeting - Bournemouth 25-28 June 2012
The allocation of ARM seats through LMC conference has not yet been set. However, if the number of BMA members of conference who wish to attend the ARM exceeds the number of seats allocated, it will be necessary to conduct a postal ballot on a regional basis. Scotland will be divided into four electoral constituencies, as in the GPC elections. Please advise on the attached form (appendix 3):

a) whether your LMC's representatives appointed to attend the ARM 2012 are members of the BMA

b) whether those members wish to attend the ARM 2012 as representatives of the conference.

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