Our roundup of news headlines on Friday 5 March
The Guardian covers a report from the Primary Care Foundation that questions plans from NHS chiefs to persuade patients with minor ailments not to turn up at A&E.
The authors of the report say that the plans to divert patients to GPs or primary care nurses will mean some of the most vulnerable patients would ‘effectively be denied access to the health service'.
Conversely, The Telegraph reports that Government plans to abolish GP practice boundaries will increase the pressure on A&E. They say patients would have to consider where they would go for urgent care if their GP was miles away - and would end up going to A&E.
The Times reports up to half of child heart surgery units may face closure after a review into their safety.
The newspaper reports that the national review will recommend the merging of smaller units such as the one at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford, which has suspended services after the deaths of four children in three months.
Researchers are claiming that frozen vegetables may be better for you than fresh. Scientists speaking in The Telegraph from the Institute of Food Research Produce, quoted in the Telegraph, say vegetables frozen soon after being picked have more nutrients sealed in, whereas supermarket 'fresh' vegetables could have been hanging around for two weeks.
The Daily Mail covers the story of a woman who is suing her plastic surgeon over a ‘botched' operation that has allegedly left her with four breasts.
A court in New York heard that Maria Alaimo had an operation to alter her bust to a 36C cup, but ended up with 'double-bubble' deformities that left her in pain and humiliated.
In a bizarre twist, Ms Alaimo had the operation as a present for her 40th birthday...
Spotted a story we've missed? Let us know and we'll update the digest throughout the day...
Daily Digest - 05 March 2010