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CCG vetoes foundation trust application

A CCG has used its powers to block a local trust’s application for foundation trust status on the grounds that they want to retain control over community services delivery.

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough CCG questioned the benefit of having another foundation trust in their area when asked to contribute to consultation on Cambridgeshire Community Services NHS Trust´s application.

The move resulted in the application being scrapped and has prompted new discussions on the trust´s future role. The trust´s leaders said the veto had left them ‘disappointed’.

Heather Peck, chairman of Cambridgeshire Community Services

NHS Trust said:  ‘We are of course disappointed that becoming a foundation trust will no longer be an option for us, given the significant progress we have achieved.

’While the foundation trust route is no longer open to us,

we intend to seize every opportunity to work with the CCGs to continue to ensure high quality and innovative services for our patients and communities.’

Matthew Winn, the trust´s chief executive said the news was particularly disappointing given external assessments confirmed their ‘readiness’ to operate as a foundation trust.’

Dr Neil Modha, chief clinical officer of Cambridgeshire and Peterborough shadow CCG said: ‘We were asked to give our view on supporting Cambridgeshire Community Services application for NHS foundation trust status.

’GP members were clear that the CCG, as an emerging organisation, needs to retain as much flexibility over future service configuration as possible, including the ability to make changes on how community services are delivered in the future.’

Mike Farrar, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, said: ‘The Government has made it clear that local clinicians are best placed to decide the right pattern for local health services. The right pattern will be different in different parts of the country.’

Dr Charles Alessi, interim chairman of NHS Clinical Commissioners said: ‘The role of CCGs is to commission care for their population to the best of their ability within the resources available and in this context it is wholly appropriate for them to have a view around potential transition of providers to FT status. 

’It would also be anomalous if their perspective did not carry significant weight. Aspirant FTs need to work very closely with their CCGs to ensure there is consistency in their approaches and aspirations.’