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CCGs ‘overwhelmed’ by red tape, say GP commissioners

The 'overwhelming' number of rules and regulations being produced around the new NHS framework is threatening to undermine CCGs' ability to redesign services, commissioning leaders have warned.

NHS Clinical Commissioners, a representative body for CCGs, said it was crucial that new commissioning organisations were involved in shaping how the reforms developed, and were not weighed down by red tape.

It urged the NHS Commissioning Board to involve GPs in the development of its draft module, which includes targets to promote integrated care and extend patient choice.

Dr Charles Alessi, interim chair of NHS Clinical Commissioners, said: ‘Just at the time when CCGs are having to focus on their own authorisation, there are important commitments being made that potentially affect their ability to plan care in line with the local priorities they have identified.

‘There are an overwhelming number of rules and regulations being produced at speed, which will have significant impact on commissioners. So it is essential they have the opportunity to help influence them.'

The body said it was collecting evidence from members, and planned to set out its views on the direction of the reforms in the autumn.

Mike Farrar, NHS Confederation chief executive, and member of the NHS Clinical Commissioners steering group, said: ‘CCGs should not feel pushed to make speedy decisions without being given the opportunity to consider the full range of options available to help them transform local services and improve quality and value.'

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