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CQC to reinspect almost 70 adult social care services due to report errors

The CQC has admitted it will have to reinspect almost 70 adult social care services in England after it found duplicate material in more than 100 reports. 

An internal audit carried out by the CQC found that 68 inspection reports on the services –  almost all located in the north of England – will need to be looked at again by March.

In the interim, a number of reports will be taken down from the CQC website, because the ratings may be inaccurate.

Meanwhile, the remaining 40 services that do not require reinspection – because the duplicate information did not affect the ratings – will have their reports republished, but with the incorrect information removed, the CQC told Pulse.

The CQC identified three individuals responsible for the erroneous reports, including two experts by experience and one specialist adviser, who were ‘immediately removed from activity’.

It stressed this was a rare event and that it was carrying out its own review to ensure it does not happen again.

CQC chief inspector of adult and social care Kate Terroni said: ‘We have investigated an issue relating to duplicate material used by two experts by experience and one specialist adviser in a number of CQC inspection reports.   

‘As soon as we became aware of these issues the individuals concerned were immediately removed from inspection activity.’

She added: ‘Following close analysis and additional peer review, the majority of these reports have been republished without the inclusion of these quotes as they did not affect the rating of the service. There are also a number of locations where, following review, we have decided to reinspect to ensure that the public voice is fully reflected.

‘For those reports where the specialist adviser was involved we will be reinspecting to ensure that we can be confident in the ratings and findings. All providers affected have now been informed and updates for each location are highlighted on our website.’ 

She said: ‘We are taking all actions necessary to reduce the risk of this happening again.’