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Dodgy balls, John Terry, and why giving up alcohol is bad for you

Our roundup of the health news headlines on Thursday 5 January.

Giving up alcohol for January is ‘medically futile', warns the Independent, debunking many a New Year's detox resolution. Experts warned that giving up alcohol for a month or two could actually be dangerous as it feeds the idea that you can repair annual abuse to your liver with a quick fix.

Celebrity campaigns made the news at the Telegraph, as the paper delighted in the mysterious use of a blurred picture of John Terry on an anti-smoking campaign on cigarette packets in India which baffled both Mr Terry and the Indian government.The idea that smoking can turn you into John Terry is be a great deterrent against cigarettes, quipped the paper.

A new development in the ‘deadly' breast implants scandal was also revealed by the Telegraph, who found that the faulty PIP implants were rebranded under the name ‘ROfil-M' and contaminated gel was used in male chest and testicle implants in France.

The Guardian focused on David Cameron's plans to merge health and social care services, dubbing it the' ‘most urgent overhaul'. Joining up social services and the NHS should streamline care, save money but it could lead to hospital closures, experts say.