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How payment by results works (1 CPD hour)

Read these four articles offering useful information on how Payment by Results works - then reflect on them and draw up your own simple action plan to put your learning into practice.

Learning objectives

This module will update your knowledge on Payment by Results, including:

  • The future of PbR under the white paper proposals 
  • Deciding which code represents a fair price for an emergency medical episode
  • Understanding risk during the credit crunch
  • Better Care, Better Value indicators, from the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement
  • Reviewing referrals and outcomes
  • The Healthcare Resource Group (HRG) codes
  • The limitations in having HRGs based on traditional methods of acute hospital-based care 

After reading these articles you will be asked to record your learning points and some action points to earn a suggested 1 CPD credit. Below are some suggested questions to reflect on as you work through the module:

  1. Why was PbR introduced?
  2. If the tariff is allowed to be locally negotiated in the future what consequences – both positive and negative – might this have?
  3. How can commissioners challenge acute trusts about coding errors?

This module was first published on 9th November 2010 and was up to date with all key guidelines and evidence at that point. It will be reviewed as part of our routine update cycle by 9th November 2012 but will be updated sooner to reflect any key guideline changes.

The articles that form the basis of this module appeared in Practical Commissioning magazine.

Article only | Full CPD module