There could soon be a new test to give smokers an early warning that they have lung cancer, the Independent reports. UCL researchers found that the cancerous cells reflect light differently.
A whole primary school has closed in Edinburgh after 150 pupils caught the winter vomiting bug, writes the Telegraph. The norovirus also struck down 14 teachers. Dr Lorna Willocks, consultant in public health at NHS Lothian, said the school will be closed until Monday due to the ‘large number’ of children affected.
She added: ‘Norovirus is highly infectious and can spread very easily. You can still be infectious up to 48 hours after your symptoms go, so although you may feel better you may still be passing on the bug to others during this time. So, it is very important that if you have had sickness and diarrhoea that you stay off school or work for at least 48 hours after your symptoms go away.’
No skipping your vegetables today, as the Express reports on three separate studies that showed nitrate-rich foods such as spinach and beetroot helps protect against diabetes and heart disease – by thinning the blood.