This site is intended for health professionals only

PulseToday account FAQs

Why is my old password not working?

We have implemented a new log-in system for PulseToday and unfortunately that means that all users must update their passwords to access the site.

You will be asked to enter your existing PulseToday account details – including your full name, email address, GMC number and then you can create a new password. Once you have updated your account, you will be able to access PulseToday. 

Why do I have to have a valid GMC number to access PulseToday?

Initially, all users will be given a certain number of free clicks before they have to enter their login details, but eventually in order to access the whole site, a user will be required to re-enter their details or complete a new form. Also in order to comment, all users will need to ensure they have given us this information.

This information will never be published, but as PulseToday is a site designed for UK doctors we need to ensure that we are confident who is accessing the site. We hope this will improve the quality of debate on the site and ensure that our contributors and users can speak more freely in discussions.

I am not a doctor, can I still access Pulse Today?

We appreciate that many health professionals find PulseToday useful, but our content is primarily for UK-registered doctors. Anyone wishing to access our content should email [email protected]. Access to PulseToday content will only be granted at the discretion of the Pulse editor.

The system is not recognising my GMC number. What am I doing wrong?

If you are a GMC-registered doctor then please check your user details have the correct first and last name as they appear on the GMC register. If you are not a GMC-registered doctor then please see question above.

Why can’t I comment?

In order to comment, all users need to ensure they are registered to the website. 

What is the ‘Display Name’ for?

This is designed to improve the flow of debate on PulseToday, so that individual commenters can be identified, but remain anonymous if they choose.

We would of course prefer if all users used their real names as their display name, but many GPs say that as public figures this would prevent them from commenting and so a pseudonym is also acceptable. All display names must be unique.

If, at any point, a user is concerned about being identified from their comments, then they are able to contact Pulse at [email protected] to have the comment removed. 

Also, if you change your Display Name it will automatically change the display name on all of your previous comments posted on the website. However, all previous comments that you posted as anonymous will remain anonymous. 

Why am I periodically being asked to update my details?

This information is collected so that we are able to understand our audience better. None of your personal information will be published or shared. For more information about how we use your data, click here.

Do I need a new password for Pulse Learning?

No, your old password should still work when accessing Pulse Learning.