The Department of Health's lead on QIPP, Sir John Oldham has been hugely influential over the past few years as the Department of Health's top dog on primary care efficiency.
He also put himself forward for election to be RCGP president, although he lost out to Professor Mike Pringle.
His work has been focused on how the treatment of long-term conditions could be made more efficient and ways of driving down emergency admissions. It was Sir John who first set out the targets that formed the basis of the QOF's new quality and productivity indicators, which have had a huge impact on GPs' working lives over the past 12 months.
Still a practising GP in Glossop, he is also a vocal proponent of self-care, which he believes needs to be pushed further up the DH agenda to enable patients to take greater control over their health and potentially contribute to millions of pounds of savings for the NHS.
However, Sir John has said he will step down ‘towards the end of the year' from his role as national clinical lead for quality and productivity.