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24. Dr Anshumen Bhagat

The GP who launched home-visiting service GP Delivered Quick (GPDQ) – aimed at both improving access to primary care and helping to retain GPs – has hit 7,000 patients over the past 12 months.

This year, Dr Anshumen Bhagat also started a petition calling on the Government to improve GPs’ work-life balance in response to concerns about burnout and mental wellbeing.

The petition – which called for measures including 15-minute appointment times – was signed by almost 4,000 people and led to a meeting with Department of Health officials.

Dr Bhagat is now working on a report looking at workplace wellbeing programmes and support services. He hopes to highlight misconceptions among employers around the cost of putting programmes into place to support employees.

Why influential: Voicing GP workload concerns

What others say: Passionate and determined to support and assist the NHS in any way he can

Random fact: Was once a DJ with a dedicated night in a club in Soho