Swansea GP Dr Jones is in her last 12 months as chair of the BMA’s Wales GP Committee, a position in which she has achieved much.
In the past year Dr Jones has secured a GMS contract review, and a commitment to a comprehensive indemnity solution for all GPs in Wales and their practice teams by 1 April 2019.
She has also procured significant resources to support practices during an IT migration period that will start in January 2019, continued to work on the holistic Welsh transgender service, and secured sustainable out-of-hours services.
But her highlight this year has been a personal one – she has recently become engaged to her fiancé, whom she thanks along with her children for ‘putting up’ with her despite the impact of her work on family time.
Why influential
Committed to supporting GPs while fighting for patient services
What others say
‘Passionate, fun, adoring mum, hardworking but worries too much about what people think of her!’
Random fact
‘If I wasn’t a GP I would be an events planner and/or shoe designer! Oh, and I just love Barry White!’