Dr Green has helped improve patient safety at a practice, regional and national level. As a member of NHS England’s Primary Care Patient Safety Expert Group, he developed a set of standards to help minimise risk associated with poor handover of test results from secondary to primary care. This aims to ensure more seamless transition of care, timelier review of discharge letters and improved communication of results to patients, and was included in the 2017-18 secondary care contract.
In his former role as BMA GP Committee prescribing lead, Dr Green was involved in projects to limit use of poorly evidenced medication, resulting in fewer unnecessary prescriptions and saving money at practice and CCG level. His GPC work extended to leading on gender incongruence, which has resulted in new guidance for GPs who felt pressured into prescribing beyond their competence. Locally, work is under way to better support GPs in managing transgender patients.
It is not just on a national level where Dr Green has made a diff erence. He is revered by practice colleagues, having secured protected morning breaks for staff to safeguard their mental health in a pressurised environment.
What colleagues say: ‘He is a beacon of inspiration to all who work with him and patients, many of whom he has treated and befriended from cradle to grave’ Dr Margaret Ikpoh, GP partner, Holderness Heath practice, Hedo