A micronutrient supplement can improve ADHD symptoms in adults, shows a new UK study.
This double-blind randomised controlled trial assigned 80 adults – aged 16 or over – with ADHD in a 1:1 ratio to either micronutrients (a borad-based supplement containing vitmains and minerals but no omega fatty acids) or placebo for eight weeks.
The supplement improved ADHD symptoms and global assessment of functioning, compared with placebo, with effect sizes ranging from 0.46 to 0.67. Participants taking the micronutrient formula reported greater improvement in both inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity compared with those taking placebo.
The researchers note that the study provides ‘preliminary evidence of efficacy for micronutrients in the treatment of ADHD symptoms in adults, with a reassuring safety profile’ and that the current study, alongside others, ‘should provide a stimulus for further trials on nutrient treatment for a variety of psychiatric symptoms’.