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A lack of emotional intelligence

Your article refers to the ‘emotional unintelligence' of the RCGP, and that it failed to communicate an expected fall in pass rates to trainers.

RCGP broke rules in toughening up exam

Of greater concern is that the college fails to understand the nature of its own creation. The effect of the introduction of the new MRCGP process in 2007 was to render the concept of patient safety meaningless. Training is delivered by the local deanery on the assumption that adherence to RCGP guidelines and tools produces a competent doctor.

A dead patient along the way is just personal experience, of little import when weighed against the results of validated assessment tools. If the college has any doubts as to the absolute infallibility of its tools then it must communicate this to the deaneries.

From Dr Tom Robinson
Penarth, South Glamorgan