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Letter of the week: Good GPs are failing this new CSA

I have just read with interest and horror the article about the plummeting pass rates in the RCGP's clinical skills assessment exam.

RCGP to investigate plunging pass rates

I have been a trainer for more than 20 years and I must say the last couple of years' experience of registrars sitting the CSA gives me cause for concern.

Two out of three of my most recent registrars, who I would judge as perfectly competent GPs, have had difficulties in getting through the exam.

To get on a scheme, registrars these days have to go through a rigorous selection process, the ethos of which is that only people deemed suitable to train in general practice should be admitted. The college is then failing half of these people. Something has to be wrong somewhere!

My concern would mirror that of Dr Una Coales that the bar is being set too high for an exam which has been transformed into a final accreditation tool.

From Dr Gary Cherrill
Retforn, Nottinghamshire