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The RCGP is working hard to engage GPs

I am sorry to read Dr Cathcart's comments but pleased he has been elected to our Northern Ireland council where he will be ideally placed to influence the changes he talks about.

Members can rest assured that the college's new building will be completely funded from new money and fundraising activity - not member subscriptions. Members will have a chance to contribute voluntarily and many are keen to help create a flagship HQ.

We conduct membership surveys so we can be more responsive to grass-roots members and welcome suggestions on how we can provide improved support and services. Our digital plans will allow members to engage more easily with us electronically.

We are pleased to report a 96% retention rate for members - extremely high for an organisation where membership is optional and a figure that has improved year on year for the last three years.

Members should be reassured that the college is working hard to engage with and represent the views of GPs across the UK.

From Paul Newman
Director of membership and development, RCGP