I would like to request support from my colleagues for a petition in support of patients who believe in homeopathy.
At the Brighton BMA, ARM chair Dr Hamish Meldrum reiterated that the BMA must stand up for doctors and patients. However, after agreeing a motion calling for homeopathy to be banned from the NHS, it appears that the BMA is neither supporting doctors nor patients to whom they are dictating what treatment they may choose. The BMA will only stand up for patients on its own terms.
The ARM stated that doctors should not stop practising homeopathy but that in this time of limited resources it should not be available on the NHS. However, I would like to remind the BMA that people who use homeopathy pay their tax and have the same rights as any other resident in the UK. It was also suggested that homeopathy may harm the patients. There is no evidence on which to base this claim. The NHS is paying enormous compensation for its administration evidence-based medicine. If the BMA is concerned about costs it should be asking its members to practise all medicine safely.
One has to study 28 hours a week for 5 years and sit an intense examination to achieve a diploma in homeopathic medicine. To my understanding practitioners in homeopathic medicine in the Brighton area meet regularly to keep their knowledge up to date and discuss their management. Homeopathy has been practised all over the world for two centuries. If it were faith healing or placebo it would not have stood the test of time. If patients are voting with their feet is it arrogant of the BMA to suggest otherwise.
I sincerely request support from like-minded members who would be wiling to sign a petition against the BMA on this matter.
Dr Lal Bahadur Mandal
Telscombe Cliffs, Sussex