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Who needs to strike over pensions when you’ve got stickers and cupcakes?

Dr Cathryn Jacob on why she is following the BMA guidance on the pensions day of action - and then some.

You can't begin to realise just how excited I am about my part in the Trade Union Congress day of action on 30 November 2011.

My B MAmmy says that the night before I can stay up extra late to bake some yummy individual cupcakes. I wanted to cover them in red icing but B MAmmy says that I have to cover them in blue. I'm not so keen on yellow anymore - my teacher who is marching that day, says that that is the colour of cowardice.

After we have made the cakes, B MAmmy says that I can get my multi-coloured crayons out and colour in the stickers and templates that B MAmmy is going to get for me before the big day.

On the morning of the TUC day of action, while my fellow public service workers will be striking and marching, I get to cross my first ever picket line, wearing my sticker. B MAmmy says if I am really good and don't stand in the picket line, I might be able to wear two stickers!

That morning, I am going to stage a sit in. Well, I will be in my room all morning seeing patients as usual, and I will be sitting down. So I think that counts as a sit in, doesn't it?

At lunchtime, but definitely not in work time, my B MAmmy is going to hold my hand while I skip to the picket line and give out my cupcakes to the bigger, more effective union workers.

And after that, I am going to get out my guitar and sing rousing campaign songs to the patients in the flu queue. I hope they don't get too disappointed when I hand them a sunflower and some promotional material instead of their usual jelly baby.

Just before my afternoon sit in, I am going to take off of my shoes, place them neatly in a box and post them to BMA House, Tavistock Square, London. The way I see it, if the BMA won't let me march, the least I can do is to send them my shoes. 

Then, I am going to remove my shirt and consult topless. I am going to wrap the shirt in brown paper and send it to the Government. It seems to me, that after already squeezing as hard as they can on my income, they now seem to also want to take the shirt off of my back!

Anyone care to join me?

Dr Cathryn Jacob is a GP in North Warwickshire