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Map of Darzi contract renegotiations

Use our interactive map to see how PCTs across the country are reviewing contracts for Darzi centres.

Read our related stories: Half of Darzi centres under review and Revealed: Darzi centres' decade-long deals.

You can zoom in on the map, drag it to see different parts of the country and click on individual markers to see what's happening in your area.

Yellow markers show PCTs where one or more Equitable Access in Primary Care contracts for GP-led health centres or APMS practices have been renegotiated. Turquoise markers show PCTs where no EAPC contracts have been renegotiated. Dark blue markers show PCTs which do not have EAPC practices.

Pulse approached all PCTs in England under the Freedom of Information Act. PCTs not listed had not responded as Pulse went to press.

Map created by Laura Passi and Steve Nowottny.

Map of Darzi contract renegotiations

View Darzi contract renegotiations in a larger map

Map of Darzi centre renegotiations