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Covid-19 Primary Care Resources

Long term condition reviews

Tools to support remote assessments

This information is sourced from the British Thoracic Society (BTS)Diabetes UK, the Primary Care Diabetes Society (PCDS), the RCGP, NHSE and NICE:


This is a collection of resources to support remote assessment of long term conditions. This includes tools to help patients gather data, perform self examinations at home and optimise GP remote consultations.

We are continually updating this page as GPs send in feedback and useful resources to add.

ConditionResourceFurther Information
Asthma reviews in Children
Childhood Asthma Control Test

Recommended by NICE

Asthma reviews in Adults
The Royal College of Physicians 3 Questions (see bottom of page)

Recommended by NICE
or The Asthma Control Test – web version
Paper based version of ACT

– Personalised Action Plan Template from Asthma UK
Asthma personalised action plan
How to measure peak flow readings

– A video for patients from Asthma UK demonstrating how to take a PEFR at home
COPDPre-review questionnaire
The COPD patient passport
– This is an online self completed questionnaire designed by the British Lung Foundation
– It takes patients 10 minutes to complete and should be undertaken prior to a COPD review
– This allows patients to identify the issues they need to ask the GP for advice with

Remote pulmonary rehabilitation 
Self-management Programme of Activity, Coping and Education (SPACE FOR COPD®) 
– This is an online self-management programme for individuals with COPD provided by the University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust 
– This programme is recommended by the BTS as an option for a remote pulmonary rehabilitation whilst face to face is not available
– The programme includes: information about medication, breathing control, exercise and nutritional advice
– Patients are also encouraged to set goals and progress through a prescribed exercise programme and achieve weekly targets
– To register please contact the Pulmonary Rehabilitation Department at UHL NHS Trust on [email protected]

Remote pulmonary rehabilitation
Harefield Pulmonary Rehabilitation Unit home exercise programme 
– This cardio-pulmonary rehabilitation programme is recommended by the BTS as an option for a remote pulmonary rehabilitation programme
– The booklet is an 8 week programme which includes information on the importance of exercising, and exercise programme and an exercise diary
– The programme is designed to help patients cope with breathlessness and increase their activity level
Ideally the booklet is support by a pulmonary rehabilitation professional via telephone reviews

Remote pulmonary rehabilitation
BLF exercise handbook
BLF exercise videos
– The British Lung foundation have produced a 23 page exercise handbook and collection of videos designed to help people with lung conditions to exercise at home
– The BLF suggest this resource as an alternative if unable to access pulmonary rehabilitation

Inhaler Technique
A practical guide to inhalers for patients with COPD – videos for patients
– This resource is produced by My Lungs My Life
– The collection of 14 videos explain how to use different types of inhalers
– The MDI and turbohaler videos are also available in other languages: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Mandarin), Lithuania, Polish, Urdu

DiabetesSelf-completed pre-review questionnaires– This questionnaire has been developed by the Year of Care Partnerships
– It is applicable to all long term condition reviews
– The document supports patients to prepare for a telephone review (advises them what information to collect and how to identify issues they need support with)

(SMBG) diary– Self-monitoring of blood glucose diary

Remote foot assessment
The Diabetes UK “Touch the Toes” test 
– Ask the person to document symptoms related to the feet and legs, visually check all parts of their feet themselves (using a mirror or with help), including identifying dry or cracked skin, changes in colour, ulcers, rashes or blisters
– The Diabetes UK “Touch the Toes” test uses the validated Ipswich
– Touch Test to enable patients to check sensation in their feet
– If changes or concerns are identified, try to arrange photos to be shared prior to the consultation

Touch the Toes Video– A video explaining how to do the Touch the Toes Test

Hypertension/BP monitoring Recommendations for home BP monitoring

– How to advise patients to self-monitor BP

Clinically validated blood pressure monitors – British and Irish Hypertension Society recommended list for home use

 HBPM patient leaflet– Home blood pressure monitoring patient leaflet

 HBPM diary– A diary to record home blood pressure readings

Learning DisabilityAnnual Health Check – pre-health check questionnaire– A comprehensive questionnaire a patient can fill in with a carer prior to an annual health check
– Recommended by the RCGP

Annual Health Check action plan template– A care plan template to share with a patient
– Recommended by the RCGP

Easy read guides for patients, face mask exemption cards, and resources for carers

– Resources specifically designed to support people with learning difficulties during the pandemic

Mental HealthThe Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) – A 21-item self-reporting questionnaire for evaluating the severity of depression

PHQ9 Depression Review– To monitor the severity of depression and response to treatment

Generalised Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire (GAD-7)– A screening tool for anxiety disorders

General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG)– A GP screening tool for dementia

A guide for people with Severe Mental Illness and their carers on what to expect from the COVID-19 vaccination programme– A guide for patients with sever mental illness (SMI)
Information and advice from Rethink Mental Illness on the COVID-19 vaccination for people living with Severe Mental Illness– Information to provide to patients with SMI
Information from Mind in the COVID-19 vaccination and mental health– Information from Mind on Covid vaccinations and Mental Health
Smoking CessationStop smoking support– Provided by local stop smoking services across the UK
– Support is available via telephone or video