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In summary: BMA blueprint for future of general practice

The Developing General Practice: Providing Healthcare Solutions for the Future paper from the BMA lists the moves that are needed tosecure the future of general practice, including the following:

  • All patients with long-term and complex needs jointly managed through an integrated team in line with a single care plan led by the most appropriate named clinician
  • Collaborating with other practices to provide extended hours surgeries at a range of different times across a community
  • GPs offering more alternatives to a face-to-face consultation when clinically appropriate, such as dedicated telephone and/or Skype-like surgeries
  • Creating long-term incentives to expand GP partnerships
  • Investing in initiatives to support GP returners back to work
  • Providing an NHS occupational health service to support all practice staff
  • A 10-year rolling programme to ensure all GP practices that require it have a purpose-built surgery, working with NHS bodies, Local Authorities and third-party developers where necessary
  • Lengthening GP training to a fully-funded five years with a much greater proportion of time training based in general practice
  • Encouraging GPs to build on their role as patient advocates by challenging and reporting on poor care provided by local health or social care providers.
  • High quality first point of contact urgent care telephone triage, led by clinicians rather than relying solely on computer algorithms allowing a presenting problem to be managed in the most efficient and cost effective way
  • Sharing electronic care records (with requisite consent and information governance standards) with other providers of care to optimise personalised care in the community
  • Greater collaboration between practices and social care services, with named social workers or team leaders aligned to every practice and regularly attending multidisciplinary meetings
  • Longer consultation times so GPs can fully meet the needs of their patients who are living with many and increasingly complex long-term conditions, so providing increased personalised care for each and every patient who needs it

Click here to download the document.

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