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#GPnews: Man who lost part of penis sues NHS hospital

16:05 A man who lost ‘most of his penis’ to ‘a flesh-eating superbug’ is suing an NHS hospital, reports the Independent.

61-year-old Andrew Lane was undergoing an operation to have his prostate gland removed when he was infected with necrotising fasciitis at Southen Hospital in Essex.

Mr Lane said: ‘I’d never even heard of the bug before and had no idea of the damage it could do, but if speaking out can raise awareness and stop one more person having to go through what I’ve been through then it will have been worth it.’

A spokesperson for Southend Hospital Foundation Trust declined to comment to the Independent because it would be ‘inappropriate’ to comment on an ongoing case, writes the paper.

15:05 A University of Oxford study has found that up to one in 11 cases of psychosis may stem from antibodies attacking the brain.

The findings, published in the Lancet Psychiatry, suggest that people diagnosed with psychotic illness, such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, could in fact have a treatable immune disorder.

Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, one of the country’s largest mental health and disability trusts and which collected blood samples for the study, has now praised an affected patient for coming forward to share her story.

As the BBC reports today, 25-year-old Gateshead woman Sarah Galloway was sectioned and diagnosed with bipolar disorder, to be treated with anti-psychotic medication.

But when a blood sample taken for the study showed that antibodies were attacking the surface of Sarah’s brain and stopping them from functioning the way they should, doctors were prompted to change her treatment, giving her medication to suppress her immune system.

Dr Iain Macmillan, principal investigator for the study in NTW, said: ‘We don’t understand psychosis completely at the moment, but this offers a potential cure for some people who might have psychotic symptoms. We see all psychotic illness as treatable, and this study may help to explain why some people don’t respond to conventional treatments.

‘It offers a completely different perspective on psychosis and brings it back to being a brain disorder that may be triggered by different stressors. It offers a completely different angle on treatment and has huge potential.’

13:45 Patients are being urged to stay away from their GP practice whilst suffering with the norovirus.

NHS Vale of York CCG said anyone experiencing symptoms is encouraged to stay at home and call NHS 111 for advice.

The CCG’s deputy chief clinical officer Dr Andrew Phillips, a local GP, said: ‘For patients already ill in hospital, this virus could cause further health complications, making it vital to prevent introducing the virus into the hospital environment. We strongly urge anyone affected to stay at home and to telephone NHS 111 for advice.

‘Norovirus spreads quickly but there are simple steps that you can take to protect yourself and others which can help tackle the spread of Norovirus head on.’

The CCG’s handy norovirus checklist includes:

  • Hand hygiene – do it thoroughly. Wet, Lather, Scrub, Rinse, Dry.
  • Don’t prepare food while infected
  • Immediately clean and disinfect surfaces after episodes of diarrhea and vomiting
  • Wash clothes and bed linens that may be contaminated thoroughly
  • Drink plenty of fluids – stay away from caffeine and pay particular attention to the young and elderly for signs of dehydration
  • Stay away from hospital and your GP practice unless it is an emergency. If in doubt call NHS 111 for advice

10:35 Two-thirds (65.6%) of people in the ‘Baby Boomer’ generation have not done any moderate physical activity lasting 30 minutes or longer in the past month, a report from the Chief Medical Officer has warned.

One in three of those aged 50-70 are obese, and 34% of women and 45% of men are overweight, concluded the CMO’s annual report, which this year focused on people born between 1946 and 1964.

Among 50-60 year olds, men are drinking 4-5 units less of alcohol per week than 20 years earlier, while women in are drinking two units more. In addition, 18% of female and 19% of male Baby Boomers smoke.

Out of smokers and ex-smokers in the age group, 71% of women and 66% of men claim they ‘have never been asked to stop smoking by a doctor or nurse’.

CMO Dame Sally Davies said: ‘I believe this generation still has a lot to offer and can contribute actively to both our society and the economy.

‘Yet they are a group with specific health and social needs and much can be done to improve these both now and in anticipation of “old age”.’

09:20 The Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Choir have recorded a song to advise patients on how to ‘Stay Well This Winter’, in support of the campaign led by NHS England and Public Health England.

‘To remind people of the simple yet essential actions they can take, the choir have recorded a special version of the winter classic Baby It’s Cold Outside, with advice on how to stay healthy as temperatures drop.

‘Get behind this year’s Stay Well this Winter campaign by retweeting their song and sharing the video on Facebook,’ said NHS England in a bulletin.

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