Former NAPC chair Dr Johnny Marshall has retained a visible presence in his role as a leading GP supporter of the Government's new commissioning agenda.
His stance on the NHS reforms has not always proved popular with the rank and file, but his determination has earned him respect, with one panel member describing him as a ‘leading-edge thinker' in primary care.
Dr Marshall, a GP in Wendover, Buckinghamshire, has continued to bang the drum for clinical commissioning in his new role as interim partnership development director at NHS Clinical Commissioners. He is also an advisory member of the NHS Commissioning Board's future design group, providing what he calls the ‘GP commissioner perspective'.
He says he has been encouraged in the past year to see GPs ‘stepping up to the plate' to lead the establishment of CCGs, and adds: ‘A significant number of GPs are putting their hands up and getting involved to try and improve patient outcomes.'
But he insists most of the hard work is yet to come: ‘It is a critical period of time. It will take a few years to make sure CCGs are established and to put in the necessary infrastructure to support them so they can have a collective voice in future policy integration'