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GPs unfairly blamed over ADHD drugs

GPs do not normally initiate ADHD drugs, and would certainly not stop them prematurely (‘GPs stop ADHD drugs "too early").

This is a specialist area, where drugs are prescribed by consultants, and only the FP10 reimbursement claim form is issued by the GPs. I think you will find that, following national guidelines approved by the GMC and the BNF, GPs simply stop issuing FP10s when the consultant fails to reauthorise the prescription.

Many such patients are

of course looked after by paediatricians until the age of about 15, but at this age they are transferred to the adult or adolescent services, which in many regions are so non-existent, or have consultants with so little experience in ADHD, that the secondary care service stops prescribing.

If we aim our criticism at the correct service, we will be able to highlight the funding deficiency, and have this necessary specialist service restored to those who need it.

From Dr David Church, Machynlleth, Wales

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