This site is intended for health professionals only
Primary care networks (PCNs) now have a new online resource featuring all of Pulse PCN’s focused content for this community of leading GPs.
The award-winning brand for PCN clinical directors, Pulse PCN, launches a dedicated microsite today.
Hosted by leading GP brand, Pulse, the site covers news, views, insight and roundtables.
News and analysis are provided by our award-winning senior reporter, Jess Hacker, covering all the developments of the Network DES and primary care as they unfold.
The views section features interviews of key leaders in primary care and opinion pieces from leading clinical directors from across England as well as experts in health policy and primary care.
And insight gathers together all our case studies and ‘how to’ pieces from PCNs around the country, covering how innovative care is delivered to patients.
Our quarterly roundtables involve four to six clinical directors discussing core issues faced by PCNs from the Covid vaccine delivery to structured medication reviews.
The Winter 2023 magazine, due out in December, is the twelfth and final print edition as Pulse PCN moves to this fully digital format to recognise the changing media landscape and to provide our stories in a more timely way.
Pulse PCN editor, Victoria Vaughan, says: ‘Our new dedicated site for PCNs is fresh, clear and easy to navigate and really allows us to showcase our fantastic coverage of networks. It is now much easier for clinical directors to access this resource.
‘It was lovely to run a new launch quarterly print supplement to Pulse for three years but going fully digital allows us to provide more timely content to our readers.’
Pulse PCN is guided by a board of clinical directors drawn from London, Kent, Yorkshire and Cheshire and our team of expert columnists: chair of the NHS Confederation primary care network group Prof Aruna Garcea; PCN clinical director Dr Sian Stanley; and consultant Ben Gowland.
Launched in April 2021 it is the only brand dedicated to the work of this tranche of primary care leaders.
Pulse PCN is also supported by an events series which runs across England in Newcastle, Manchester, Birmingham and London.
It provides tailored information on all aspects of the PCN Network DES from impact and investment fund changes, additional roles reimbursement scheme updates and advice to insights from clinical directors on the pilots and projects they have set up in their network.
Pulse PCN delivers two newsletters a week along with regular updates via our LinkedIn group and on X (formerly Twitter).
In February 2022 Pulse PCN won the ‘Launch of the Year’ category at the prestigious British Society of Magazine Editors (BSME) awards.
The judges commended the Pulse PCN team for identifying a ‘genuine need in their audience’ and getting them ‘involved in shaping and providing content from the outset’.
Pulse PCN was launched following an in-depth report from Cogora on the first 18 months of networks operation
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